Worldwide Sax Alliance
“If you don´t work for your dreams, someone will work for them”
I´m always encoraged to make my dreams come true !
In this days I´m very happy to been created an organization called Worldwide Sax Alliance to support the work of the best worldwide saxophonists in this difficult time of pandemic.
We promote recordings, master classes, music transcriptions, exclusives streaming and cooperate with artists from all over the world.
We believe in the support of the audience to cushion the financial blow caused by the cancellations of the artist performances at this difficult moment.
WE invite you to join our first event on
Thursday August 30 at 5 pm (GMT -3) to celebrate
International Jazz Day !
The event will consist on 4 hours online transmission of an exclusive show of ten saxophonists from around the world.
Organized by Worldwide Sax Alliance with the support of Jazz Tour Uruguay, the audience will be able to participate by purchasing their advance ticket through the site:
Once you buy your ticket you will receive the instructions to watch the exclusive streaming.